
Monday, September 14, 2020

How to use Wikis in the Classroom

What is a Wiki?
According to eLearning Industry, a wiki is an online application that allows users to contribute to a creative and open environment through collaboration and editing of content on various pages. A common known example of a wiki is Wikipedia, which has been deemed an unreliable source because anyone can contribute and change the content.  

Advantages of a Wiki
Although wikis can be dammed unreliable sources, they have quite a few advantages, specifically in education. Wikis in the classroom increase educational productivity through the means of technology. It makes students the “drivers” of their content, pushing their analytical, writing, and creativity skills. Wikis also help develop the skill of collaboration within students. Wikis require students to work together in groups to either complete a project on a research topic, find solutions to real-world problems and store resources into one commonplace all while being heavily engaged. Furthermore, wikis can also be fun. Students have the ability to include photos, gifs, news articles, and other gadgets of content. 

Incorporating Wikis into the Classroom
One way wiki can be used in the classroom is through project-based learning. Teachers can assign students a topic in class and have them do extensive research on the topic and showcase their findings on their team wiki page. Another way wikis can be used in the classroom is through various activities such as student online portfolios, research papers, and discussion activities, and forums. Schools can also utilize wikis by incorporate pages for each course and organize pages by grade level.

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